The evil eye
If you've ever seen someone wearing a circular glass charm reminiscent of a blue eye, then
you've seen the classic Greek evil eye symbol – the Matiasma. This beautiful eye's main purpose isn't really to look pretty but to ward off the effects of the evil eye, a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare and usually given to a person when they’re unaware. The evil eye is considered a good luck charm and acts as a shield to reflect the negative energy away from you.
Matiasma means 'evil eye' in Greek, and is often shortened to mati, or 'eye'.
Protection against the evil eye
As in many other Mediterranean cultures, Greek people often safeguard themselves against
misfortune by keeping some form of mati or eye symbol somewhere important to them, such as their home, workplace or car. The charms are also frequently found on jewellery and accessories such as bracelets, necklaces and anklets, much the same as the items in my store. You never know when someone is giving you the evil eye, best to keep yourself protected!